Thursday, February 15, 2007

Toon doodles

I will publish Cartoon in a new sketchbook. Then, I began to draw the sketch and the storyboard.


Idea / Sketches

Draft / Sketches

Monday, February 05, 2007

Sunset Bunny

I like acrylic color.
However, I don't have the so much time,
and as a result, I am using Painter and Photoshop in many cases.

My schedule was completely off in this Sunday.
Then, I started sketching.

And, I found the fragment of a small board in the office.
I prepared acrylic paints of the liquid type that had been bought in Santa Monica the other day.

A fat brush for Stencil painting is my favorite.
As for a thin brush, I like Loew-Cornell Comfort 3000 Round.

And, it is an acrylic painting that this is completed.
I drew on the 1x4 wood board by the acrylic color.


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