Saturday, July 22, 2006

DoodleTrip Day05

Day 05: 23/July/2006 SanDiego to LosAngeles

It's the last day of SDCC today.
I got up early a little and went to an exhibition hall.
I did goodbye to friends.
We said "See you next SDCC !!".

I met Cindie Morgan of movie Tron!!

I moved to Los Angeles by car from San Diego.
I stay in a Ed(TheMonkeyKing)'s home of a friend from today!!

and these are my sketches of the day!!

have a fun!!


Scarab’ee said...

thanks for sending...san diego is so far...

PaintMonster said...

Hi, Nice to meet you and Thank you for reply to me!
as for me, Yes Super far!!! from Japan!!

Unknown said...

WOW! Marty, great to see all these details posting of the Comic Con, brings back the memories of the fun time!! HE ! HE!!

PaintMonster said...

Alina Chau
HI Alina,
Thank you very much!!
I already completed a report of this trip with Japanese blog. However, update of English blog is late because translation to English is not completed. Please wait patiently.:)


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