Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Gouache paints

Hi Folks,I drew Gouache Paints on Cardboard.
These works are just a test drawing for my exhibition.
The surface was coated with Raccar paints.
Have a Fun!!


Anonymous said...

I love them.
Even better to see them person
I bet.

PaintMonster said...

Thank you very much!!
I'll update finished works soon.

Miss Paula said...

Hello Paintmonster!

It is good to visit you again and see more great work from you! I am going to try painting again! Can I ask you though,you mentioned you used Raccar paints...what kinds of paints are those? is Raccar a brand name? (or maybe you meant race car?hehe)

Thank you-I'll be back. :O)

PaintMonster said...

Miss Paula
Hi, Thank you for the come.
oops, I mistook the spelling of "lacquer".
Lacquer is a plastic paint like the varnish.
and this is my recomended one.
Aspen Lacquer Spray

Miss Paula said...

Ah~! Arigatou gozaimasu!


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